Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Hour Today With Friends From Yesterday

I went to Happy Hour tonight with some friends of mine from college and I have to say there is something magical about getting together with old friends- you know the friends who knew you when you were 18 and thought everything in the world rested on "what major you chose," who you lived with in your sorority house and saw you at your worst (early mornings), your best (date party formals) and everything in between (classes and meals), who saw and met the different guys you dated and heard about the corresponding drama that went along with those moments, who you drove to class with, who you studied with in the sorority chapter room, who you had lunch with- the people who knew you those 4 years when you were trying to discover who you were away from home before you shifted into the "real world."

You share these great memories because you experienced the same things. The same things that silly or serious are all just silly now. And as you sit there with your old friends, you are able to let your guard down because these people know you, the real you. You are mentally transported back to a simpler time when your only responsibility was school and the biggest worry you had was whether the boy you liked would call you back.

I am thankful for these nights and think it is important to have these nights. To have one of them on a Wednesday, allowing me an evening of escape, is like a midweek reward. These nights end in smiles as I am filled up with memories and emotions of happiness thinking about my past as I tackle the rest of the week in the "real world" of my today.

Happy Hour with the Wine and Silver Blue. Some of my faves from PC 02 & PC 03.

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