Monday, March 3, 2014

Celebration Weekend in the Big D

Gregg and I went to Dallas this past weekend for lots of activity and lots of reunions with old friends. Friday night Gregg's best man and best friend proposed to his girlfriend. Saturday night we celebrated the same best man and best friend's 30th birthday. We are over the moon excited for the newly engaged couple! Aside from being there for this big moment, one of the other best parts of the weekend was the occasion gave us an excuse to see and visit with some very special friends.

Celebrating the newly engaged couple, seeing my Dallas besties (one of them turned Houston bestie) alongside the guy who dragged me to Dallas in the first place 

I lived in Dallas for 3 years…2008-2011 while Gregg lived there from 2006-2011. By the time we left, we had definitely built a life and a support system of friends there for ourselves. I think that is the hardest part about moving…sure it is tough learning a new city, figuring out your new surroundings…but leaving behind your friends means leaving behind the people who would be there for you during those difficult moments…when you realize you don't have them around, that part is not fun.

Not to get on a soap box, except I am sort of already half way there so I will continue…when you are out of college and trying to navigate the world of being an adult, you learn how vital and important these friendships are to your survival. Our friends in Dallas were no exception- they welcomed me with open arms when I moved there from Denver after graduate school and didn't know a single person, we celebrated their big wedding moments and they celebrated ours with us, they celebrated when Gregg got into MBA school and they continued to support us from miles away.

Today we are busy celebrating these big accomplishments with some new ones added in- babies, weddings, houses and all the things that are typical of adulthood. It is one thing to accomplish each of those but it is another to have a rock solid group of friends around to celebrate with you. It is amazing to know that anytime we go back to Dallas, we can instantly hang out with the same group of friends and realize that even though there is some distance, the friendships remain the same. It is no secret that I don't like change, so I take great comfort in knowing that even though our lives may be constantly changing, I can head back to Dallas, hang out with the same people and though time has passed, the friendships remain the same.

Let the countdown begin to our next reunion! 


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