Thursday, June 26, 2014

Austin Baby Showering

We lived in Austin for two years. Going into it, I knew it would be a strange two years. I would be working. Gregg would be going to school. I honestly felt like we were in a constant state of transition. Oddly enough though, it was under those circumstances that I met some amazing lifelong friends. God is funny that way I guess.

Meeting M:
For starters my friend M and I met seriously walking in and out of the parking garage at work. We were both always running late. We both always carried our gym bags. And one day we just struck up a conversation while waiting for the light to change…..and I guess you could say the conversation never stopped. She had a darling baby girl in December and will one day be one of those "can you explain this pregnancy stuff to me in real life terms" friends.

M & Me 
Meeting C1 and C2: 
My other two friends, C1 and C2, I met through bible study. I was in my 2nd year of bible study and had kind of shelved the idea of making friends there, yet God again had other plans. I was put into the same small group as C1 (I am calling her that because technically I did meet her first). After the first few weeks, I quickly decided C1 was so cute (plus I always wanted her wardrobe) and I needed to strike up a conversation with her. One day I did. Then she introduced me to her other friend C2. After some very fun dinners, meeting C2's spouse, late nights out and other events, they both became very close friends in a very short amount of time. 

Posing with C1( on left) and C2 (in the middle) 
Where does a baby shower come into all this? 
C2 is expecting twin girls and I was thrilled to be able to to help C1 throw her a baby shower. This was exciting on a number of levels but most of all, I haven't really helped throw a shower in awhile. After planning all of it via email, the big day came Saturday of Mother's Day weekend…I know, the timing was pretty cute. 

I drove to Austin Friday night and drove straight to meet M for margaritas and mexican food. Because the shower was the next day, I had volunteered to bring ingredients for "make your own yogurt parfaits" and they were stressing me out. I had seen the idea on pinterest and that is typically my problem- I can find and come up with an idea…then the execution gives me anxiety. Since M is also my foodie/chef extraordinaire friend, I forced asked her to go late night grocery shopping with me after dinner for supplies.  

She's kind of the best. 
Saturday we hosted the shower at C1's apartment party room which quite honestly I could live in and be just fine in life. The best part though is we had taken all these ideas of decorations, activities, food, etc from Pinterest and the guests thought we were absolute geniuses. I loved it. Who doesn't love people thinking you are a genius? And who doesn't love compliments?

'Decorate your own Onesie station.' I made Kristina decorate a sample the night before that said "I am cuter than my sister"
Food set up courtesy of one of the hostesses that can cook…i.e. not me 
My infamous yogurt parfait. I may not be able to cook but I am now the official 'Make your own yogurt parfait' bringer to all future showers. 

Cutest and most delicious baby shower cake in the world. 
This may not be a new idea to anyone else but it was to me: create little ribbons and small tags for people to label their mimosa glass. I've labeled cups before but never thought of how you do it with a glass. How many times do you set it down and not know which is yours? 
The beautiful Mommy-to-Be!
I also realized every time I have visited Austin since I moved has also meant Kristina is attending a baby shower with me. 
Shower hostesses with the Mom to Be 
As you can see it was a really fun Friday/Saturday spent with my very wonderful and very special friends. I may not be able to be there all the time in person but it is sure fun to still be part of all the fun from afar! 

Interesting topic- Have you ever thought of how people name twins if they are having the same gender? Wait until you meet them? Have names pre-decided based on who arrives 1st and 2nd? We talked about it at the shower and it was something that had never crossed my mind. 

Speaking of names, I cannot wait to meet the twin baby girls coming in just a few weeks and find out their names too! 


  1. Aww...what a sweet blog post! That was a fun weekend. I can't wait for the twins to come too (at least for a few more weeks) and another reason for you to come back and visit all of us.

    1. It was really fun- it was fun reliving it by writing about it too :) Yes cheers to more visits!

  2. I echo Marissa's comment! I am so touched and honored to be featured in your blog post--and more important, to be counted among your friends! God is funny--and good indeed! I am so grateful He brought us together and that we had a chance to reunite on the wonderful occasion of Colette's baby shower! Here's to our next reunion! Miss you and love you!!!

    P.S. And all that time, I was coveting YOUR wardrobe! :-)

    1. Hahaha...we're just both fabulous period. That's why we make such good friends! Thanks for your sweet comment- Love you so much and wish we saw each other weekly again too...but reunions will just have to do in the meantime!


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