Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I Have Turned 30 and I am Losing My Mind

In case you missed it, last week, one week ago tonight I turned 30. I also discovered that it was the 10 Year Anniversary of Mean Girls (I really cannot believe such an iconic movie came out on my birthday but then again I was in college turning 20 so you can imagine what I was doing at the time).

Regardless I celebrated the weekend before with a wonderfully fun party my sister threw me that deserves a post on its own and as soon as I have a spare moment I will get to that- but on my actual birthday I knew I would want to do something besides sit at home with Chloe.

No offense Chloe. I do love you and you're still my best evening pal.
However, since Gregg is working some crazy hours lately I took matters into my own hands and planned a Happy Hour with some of my favorite people who were also Pi Phis with me in college. Here's the catch….it was a Wednesday and in honor of the Mean Girls Anniversary I made them all wear pink. Because….

And so we did….

My Pink Wearing Turning 30 Birthday Happy Hour!  
Pi Phi for life. 
Then I came home and Gregg was home so we went and had some late night drinks and snacks too.
He has pink polka dots on his tie so that is the only reason he is even allowed to sit with me. 
My birthday was great and I felt so loved. Here's the problem now though…ever since I turned 30 I am LOSING MY MIND. I have become absent minded, I am messing up schedules, I am messing up plans, MY LIFE IS FALLING APART AND WE ARE ONE WEEK IN!!!!!!

Here is an example of the ridiculousness of this:

Last weekend one of my best friends and our favorite couples got engaged. They have appeared here before but here they are again to refresh everyone's memories:

This is us in Las Vegas last December meeting A&J for drinks. 
Naturally I told A that I had to hear the story immediately and congratulate her in person so we planned a Happy Hour for Monday night. I was all set to leave and at 4:45 I get a call that a local news station is running a story on us that is not "negative" however I believe it has some negative tones. So I got to spend the next 30 minutes tracking people down, getting a crash course in one of our adoption programs and trying to intercept some misinformation. It-was-neat. Especially since at 5:00 it is very hard to track people down.

Fast forward to 5:45 when I was supposed to meet A at 5:30 and I am walking out the door and I text her to say "on my way." And that my friends was the last time I saw my phone until about 9:30. I was en route and digging for my phone in my purse and realized very quickly I didn't have it. I pulled over to search my car because I didn't see it anywhere around me.

Then- here is Example 1 of my newfound 30 insanity- I call my mom from my work blackberry to ask her to call my cell phone because I can't find it in my car and I need it to ring. That is right, I am HOLDING A PHONE I could've used to call my actual cell phone but instead I call my mom to do it. Regardless, it is of no use because it is on silent.

So I decide to drive back to work because as I was getting into my car I heard a noise and didn't think much of it and now I am paranoid I have dropped my phone in the parking lot. But, please see above…A thinks I am on my way because the last time I saw my phone was when I texted her.

What does one do in this situation? Well I respond like a 50 year old woman and call "INFORMATION" and ask them for the number to "J Blacks." And the woman on the other end of the phone is asking me to spell "J Blacks" and I am saying "It is a J and then Blacks" "J-Blacks" You can imagine the OMG FRUSTRATION going off in my head! Then they connect me and then I have to get the hostess to go write a note for A (like it is 1990) to call me on my work blackberry because I literally have zero way to get in touch with her.

At this point I finally get in touch with A and I don't even know what to do and I am thinking oh well, it may be lost but I sorta think it is somewhere in my car but I really just need to continue on with life…and that means heading to Happy Hour. Which was so much fun even though I showed up like a crazy spazz! I am thrilled for A& J and so excited to hear the cute story, see the beautiful ring and be part of the excitement!! 

After I get home that evening I take a flashlight out to my car because I am thinking, okay this phone is in here, I know it.  I search and I search. I am trying not to judge myself by the junk in my car. I nearly admit defeat. I start to walk inside and then a voice tells me to give it one more try. So I do and guess what happens…just as I begin to text Kristina, Mom and Gregg to tell them the insanity and that they would need to use my blackberry…I find my phone. <Insert Hallelujah bells>

Where did I find it? Lodged in some MAPS that are in a little holder thing in the passenger side door of my car. That's right. MAPS. Do people seriously own maps anymore? How long have these maps been in my car?

The truth…because this is a no judgment zone except you can judge me all you want…I am pretty sure these maps are still in my car from when I moved to and from Denver in 2006 and 2008 for grad school and we had to road trip through Texas.

I didn't have much time to process this because I was just thrilled I found my phone. Not that I can't go get a new one and yes in the grand scheme of life, I could've lost something worse, but I do not have time right now to deal with the annoyance of getting a new phone. I am already at quota for dealing with annoying things right now and I don't need a phone to add to the list.

Here's my point though- if this is less than a week after turning 30 I am really worried for the next year. I apologize now if somehow I drop the ball or lose my mind. 
I am officially scared of being 30.  

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