Thursday, May 29, 2014

Culture Thursdays of Recent

It's Thursday and it is strange that S and I are not heading to the museum tonight. Next Thursday though we'll make up for it. But S and I have had a really fun couple of months exploring and becoming regulars at the MFAH. I have realized this is for several reasons other than the obvious fact that we are friends:
  • When we visit on Thursdays we begin with the Thursday night Happy Hour offered right outside the MFHA's front steps. I always quasi feel like I am on a Thursday night vacation. There is music, wine, outdoor seats and the background of the chic Museum District. 
  • We have the exact same "art attention span"
    • We both look at paintings for the same amount of time. 
    • We both have pretty much the same thoughts. 
    • We both either get it or we don't.
    • And it helps that we both seem to have the same taste. 
  • We also both hope to be extremely rich one day and afford great art for our great mansions.Totally happening.

The week of my big #AnalisasBurning30 party, it only seemed appropriate that I kicked off my 30th birthday festivities with a visit to MFAH to see an exhibit we'd been hearing about for awhile called The Impressionists. I would've taken pictures but when I asked if I could I was told no....and then I thought well glad I asked. Basically the entire exhibit made me want to go to Europe. That should be a good enough summary.

At the end of the night S treated me to birthday drinks and snacks at Hotel ZaZa. Our favorite place for post-museum chatter.
It was quite the perfect way to kick off being 30. One minute I am a adult enjoying an evening of drinks, refinement and culture at the museum. And then next evening, this is happening:

Makes perfect sense.
Fast forward to last week and S and I hit up another MFAH evening event at one of their museums which is actually a house called Rienzi. It is basically a house in River Oaks that you probably drive by a million times and never know that it is a museum. It has furniture, china, paintings, decorations just like it used to and you literally feel like you're taking a step back in time. My favorite part though was that it had a ballroom. A BALLROOM! I have never been to a house that has its own ballroom and now I've decided I need one myself.

Pretending we live here with our Chardonnay overlooking the pool

We love a good Twilight Tour
It was during one of those freakishly pleasant evenings a few weeks ago and perfect timing with the monsoon week we have had around here this week. We even made some new museum friends. We've been doing all of this because S won a free MFAH membership a year ago but we may actually now become members. I already feel so fancy just thinking of the card in my wallet.

Wishing you a Thursday full of culture and if you don't feel fancy than pretend!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Letter of Complaint To Emergency Alerts

Since we moved here a year ago, I guess you could say this is our first "rainy season" in Houston. Whoa. This place does not mess around. Considering I am from San Antonio home of the odd/even water ration days; lived in Dallas which was so hot my last summer there it gave my mover heat stroke (not a joke); and Austin thrown in there with nonstop discussion of drying up lakes and could say rain, flooding and water confuse me.

Fast forward to this week which has been torrential downpour central.... 

Last night at approximately 3:57am, Gregg and I are all of a sudden awakened to the sound of blazing sirens. Like I thought the sirens were coming from the sky and the Earth was about to say: This has been a test of the emergency broadcast system. I repeat this is only a test.

Instead I heard expletives, feet being stubbed as Gregg tried to haul to the other side of the room to get his iPhone and blackberry, Chloe jumped off my feet like she was being attacked, I rolled over to shut off my iPhone and just as I thought we were in the clear, it's time for my blackberry charging in the kitchen to wail. Meanwhile, because of the insane lightning, our entire apartment looks like we are at a club with strobe lights flicking on and off. We might as well have been in a hotel room overlooking the Las Vegas Strip.

And what was all that chaos supposed to inform us?

That we need to grab Chloe and evacuate? No.
That we need to grab Chloe and take cover? No.
That the world is literally ending? No.
That we need to somehow avoid the area, which is coincidentally where we live and are currently sleeping, until 6:45am? Yes. 

I am honestly still speechless. And tired. And speechless. But not speechless enough to write a letter of complaint to the Emergency Alert Headquarters because in case you didn't know, I love a good letter of complaint:  

Dear Emergency Alert,

I live here and I am currently trying to sleep through the disco strobe light-lightning show that has taken up residence outside every window in our apartment. So first of all I cannot avoid this area until 6:45am. I literally have nowhere else to go. I also promise I won't be going anywhere because it looks like the apocalypse outside. Not to mention that it is 3:45am on a Wednesday night and I am not in college anymore which means you can guarantee I am asleep. Finally, I planned to wake up at 6:45am at which time it seems the apocalypse will have ended. 

You have now scared my cat, Gregg nearly broke his toe and I am wide awake in confusion trying to figure out if I am supposed to go back to sleep or supposed to stay awake and vigilant through the storm. Unless Noah is around with an ark I am supposed to board ASAP, let's try to not be so dramatic next time. 


Wishing everyone a less dramatic and more peaceful night's sleep tonight!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The LC & AW Summit 2014

In honor of Memorial Day weekend and my proud to be American pride, I thought it was time for my long awaited DC trip recap. Long awaited by who? I have no idea but out there I know someone has long waited for this.

Background: I have these two friends, LC and JC who I met studying abroad in Europe during the summer of 2005. We were a ridiculous trio who became friends together while we wandered the streets of Europe, in between important study abroad activities. JC was the scholar. LC kept us in line. I was there to distract and make everyone dumber. It really had the precise makings of an excellent friendship.

One minute JC would be sitting in conference rooms asking big dignitaries questions I seriously did not understand...and the next minute he was outside participating in a money pouch photo shoot with yours truly:

Because if you studied abroad, you know exactly what an under your clothes money pouch is from back in the day of travelers checks, currency and whatnot.
 Then I went on a search for the perfect hat for Paris. And I mean I searched and I searched. Guess who was there in every H&M along the way providing her feedback and approval, LC. 
You know you have found your bff soulmate when they will not only help you search for the hat but then completely approve as you journey to the Eiffel Tower wearing it. 
Fast forward to 2012: LC and JC got married. At some point way later, I am talking a la 2008, they decided they liked each other. For the record I secretly and I do mean secretly thought they'd end up together eventually and what do you know, I was right.

Now they live in DC. JC moved there in March 2010 and LC moved there in August 2010. Less than a week later she was back in Texas for my bachelorette party. Again, another story for another day.

But they have lived there for now four years and I have not been to see them one time. Not one time. And that's just not okay. Especially because I love DC. So I decided no more excuses. No more Gregg in an MBA program. It was time to commit and head East!

To begin I was pretty excited that I would be arriving right in the midst of cherry blossom season. Upon arrival I was ready for the frolicking and picture snapping and as I was greeted curbside by LC she said, Snap a picture of that one because it's the only one you are going to see.

Apparently I was ONE week too early. So. Freaking. Typical.
It was also dreary and rainy and honestly I could care less. First of all I had been awake since about 4:30am for my flight and second, I have been to DC in a very touristy way. This was more parts reunion with DC as a background. Don't get me wrong, a huge bonus background, but still a background.

We finished the evening the way all former roomies and best friends should finish the evening regardless of what city you are in...
Wine & Cheese

Reality TV

And forcing JC to make me a cookie cake

Because nothing says happy Early 30th Birthday like this right here. Disclaimer, JC is quite the chef/baker/master of all things in the kitchen. I did not exactly have to twist his arm for this deliciousness. 
Here's the great thing about visiting LC & JC....these people are both equally my friends because we all met each other as friends together. So visiting them is like the trifecta of reunions. It's quite perfection.

Saturday I woke up only to discover JC working on his home brew as in home brewing beer...his new hobby. Because as LC said, it makes perfect sense that in their cozy townhouse they have room for an entire home beer brewing operation on the landing of the 2nd floor:

I mean do not even ask me what any of this is.

JC realized he needed some new brewing part so he dropped LC and I off at the monuments and met back up with us later. My only request was I need to see Lincoln and lo and behold here he is looking dapper as ever:

After this LC and I witnessed a real life motorcade and JC nearly unfriended us in real life when he found out we'd taken pictures...AND video. Allow me to demonstrate how much I am afraid of JC's patriotism:

Apaprently if you look on instagram with #POTUS you can actually find all the other people out there who JC should be mad at too. Then I stumbled upon this other gem of a patriotic hashtag #PODUS and life with JC and LC has yet to be the same since.

During Senior Awards for Pi Phi, I was voted Most Likely To Be First Lady of the US. Gregg has totally ruined this dream for me so now here I sit on the outside of the gates.
We headed to Georgetown for lunch I got to see a DC protest while JC was stuck in traffic trying to park the car. I was yelling stand up for your liberty and JC was just yelling.
And because I am their favorite Catholic ever, they took me to this great amazing Catholic place I cannot remember the name. Catholic Basillica? I just texted LC and JC- it is the Basillica of the Immaculate Conception. Sounds much better than my version. Amen.
That evening we headed down to Alexandria, Virginia for a little outdoor shopping, sightseeing and eating. It is such a cute town area. While intensely debating the purchase of a scarf LC snapped these lovely gems:

Do I want the scarf?

I'm still trying to decide if I want the scarf and now I think someone is staring at me.
What the heck! Boom. Here it is in the flesh. The infamous "Analisa look." And this attitude is the majority of the reason LC and I are friends.

At dinner while LC and I split a bottle of wine, Mr. Home Brew taste tested/stole ideas.

We can drive this guy crazier than anyone else on earth in the shortest amount of time on earth possible...especially with nonsensical historical questions. This is why he named my trip the LC & AW Summit 2014.
Cobblestone streets.

A beautiful sunset but sad to see because it meant the weekend was over.

Even though I didn't see the flowers, I did see the Cherry Blossom Festival fireworks. I swear DC is the only place you can just wander around and find fireworks. Well that and probably Vegas.
It was cold. Like really cold.
And because the weekend would not have been complete without a blind taste test:
Which one did John brew? Which one did he brew last week? And which one did the store brew? I've never felt so much pressure in my life.

This post doesn't even do justice how much fun I had and how thankful I am to these two for a wonderful weekend! They are my best friends and I am so lucky to have inserted myself into their married life forever!  I am already counting down to my next adventure to see them!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday 5

It has been a million trillion years since I did a Friday 5 and had 5 things noteworthy to share that I thought you would even enjoy. I also promise to refrain from anymore DWTS even though I could seriously do five links to DWTS videos and post-win scoop:

Watch and laugh- Jimmy Kimmel: Celebrities read mean tweets about themselves

  • Gregg and I are buying a house zero time soon but I thought this interactive chart was kind of fun to play around with to justify why we will not be doing that anytime soon.
  • I desperately need to get motivated to clean out my closet. It is out of control trying to transition from winter/spring and now it's summer. 
  • Most noteworthy tips- Put on some great music and have some wine. I had never thought of that combo before. I might actually feel motivated to do it now.  
  • It should be noted that Chloe would never be caught dead in the middle of a cheering crowd in dirt.  
I mean does this look like the face of a baseball player by any means? No
  • Every year around this time I get very wanderlusty and want to go (and or move) to Boston. Gregg and I had fun vacay there four years ago while he was looking at MBA schools and it has always had a special place in my heart. 
  • Do I follow them on twitter pretending I am a local? Absolutely. 
We somehow stumbled upon an outdoor concert with The Pointer Sisters, the real life Pointer Sisters, singing "I'm so excited" and you could say I was major excited. 

Cheers at Cheers. We have fun traveling together even though we don't get to do it nearly enough!

Happy Long Weekend! I really never thought Friday was going to arrive. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Easter

I am very, very behind on a lot of really important moments I want to remember and I know you want to read- it seems that if work gets crazy then so does life until your head is spinning out of control. Feast or famine all the time with that stuff. That being said, I plan to spend the next couple of weeks slowly catching up and in true Analisa fashion I have even made a list to keep myself on track:
  • Easter
  • Washington DC with LC and JC (not the JC in the sky)
  • Culture Thursdays with S
  • My 30th Birthday weekend with Kristina in town 
  • Friends and Fundraisers 
  • Virginia weekend wedding vacation
  • Baby Shower-ing
  • Mother's Day Snippets
  • Chloe discovers a ladder
  • College besties reunion weekend   
Easter weekend April 18-20, 2014

Easter is like the mother ship of Catholicism. It's a 4 night/day event. If you are Catholic you go big or go home at Easter. But here's the thing, contrary to what you may believe...
Good Friday is not a Holy Day of Obligation I am not exactly the best at holy days of obligation but this fact kind of blows my mind because I really always thought it was on the list.

Regardless though, Kristina nor I made it to church Friday. What were we doing all day?
  • We were dealing with a dog crisis.
  • And we were eating pizza. We somehow managed to eat pizza for every meal and not on purpose:
Friday Reason: No meat and when you hate fish that leaves limited options every Good Friday.

Saturday: We pretty much stayed in our PJs all day and did a lot of nothing. Gregg did arrive around 2pm, he and Dad made their usual trek to have Manhattans and see some action movie and when they returned, Kristina, Gregg and I headed to the mall for one VERY intense hour because I had to find a dress for our upcoming luncheon. I am talking the kind of trip where you walk in, zero in on only the dresses, get cutthroat in the dressing room and get out....

When you are too busy doing this and not thinking about food until 9:30pm which is SERIOUS danger zone for feeding Kristina...

That leaves pizza pick up round 2.

Easter Sunday: Kristina, Gregg and I all met Papa at church, looking very dapper and saving us some seats in his pew. After church we dropped Papa off, headed to pick up our "Easter to go food" at Maggiano's and then went back to pick up Papa and take him to our house.

Well we sort of arrived at Maggiano's around 10:30 because we had all been to church way earlier than normal since we were going with Papa. Maggiano's doesn't open until 11 and said our food wouldn't be ready until 11:30. So what is there really to do to occupy the time except...

Easter Sunday Mimosas and Bloody Marys at Stonewerks
We came...

 We saw....
We left...

We were, are and continue to be people on a mission at all times when we are home. The bar staff was actually sad to see us go and honestly we were sad to leave too.

As always though, it just goes to show that the most unexpected moments in an otherwise planned out day can be the most fun. It's a lesson I am constantly learning and constantly trying to remember as I get nervous about plans and things falling into place. Embrace the unexpected.

But one thing that is not unexpected- my favorite Easter candies that are on my list every year. I take great joy in knowing every Easter, this is happening:

Hershey's candy coated eggs and either love them or hate them.
Cheers to learning to embrace the little surprises and unexpected moments with the people we love!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

DWTS Finale: Why I Love This Dancing Show

I have been incredibly excited about the Dancing With The Stars finale all day. So excited that at approximately 4:50pm when I ran into our CEO in the hall and she said how are you doing Analisa in a friendly way since she was leaving…naturally I responded by saying….
In a really great mood because Dancing With The Stars Finale is tonight.
I know. I know. I know. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! It was like one of those moments that as it was happening I couldn't believe it was happening and then I even stunned myself trying to figure out how to recover. Luckily I thought to say: Do you watch the show? And even though she responded saying she didn't, she asked me about Amy Purdy, if she was still around and we talked about her dancing on her prosthetics.

BUT STILL. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I don't even know. I am so into this season that it is clearly making me delusional.

I know I am kind of in a bit of a minority of friends and people I know who watch this show other than my mom and honestly that is fine by me. It's Mom and me every Monday night, tuning in to watch this show. Not even Dad and Kristina watch it. They both have tried and both of their responses on watching are something along the lines of I tried I just can't get into it. 

But Mom and me. Lifelong fans. This is our thing.

Why? In 10 Reasons Here Goes:

  1. We love dancing. Period. We love dancing and we love watching dancing.
  2. We get to know the cast throughout the season and we slowly fall in love with them. And then we proceed to talk about them to each other like we know them. (Trying to one up each other) 
  3. The show is like being at a party every Monday night. It's upbeat. It's peppy. It's reality TV fun.
  4. After watching practically every season, we feel like we know the pros. And we love them too. 
  5. We know Bruno is hilarious. We know Len is tough. We know you do not do any sort of lift in front of Carrie Ann or she will dock you. 
  6. When each new season starts, it's like welcoming back old friends into the living room. 
  7. The show is simple. People dance. They get judged. People vote. Contestants get voted off. Sometimes the results make us mad. Sometimes we agree. But it has a rhythm and it makes sense.
  8. We hear songs that trigger memories of old dance team routines, dance recitals, carpool trips, the list goes on…and when it happens, it's fun for us.
  9. Maybe we secretly wish we were out there dancing too? And though it would take a miracle, maybe someday we will be! 
  10. At the end of the day, even when people are asking me why I am so into this show or have a funny look on their face when I mention it, I may rattle off my love of dancing, my love of reality TV but I know deep down it's because it's mom's and my show. 

And tonight, after reuniting with all of our faves, talking about the finale all day on the phone and over texts, and being the only two members of our family to watch, another season ends and another champion is crowned….and it's the couple we were rooting for….MAKS & MERYLl!   

Hooray!! Maks' 1st Mirror Ball Trophy! Our favorites all season!
We are PUMPED!!! 
And one last note before signing off my DWTS recapping until the Fall...because you all need to see this delightful dance number to my new favorite summer song Classic. I know deep down Gregg really enjoys the amount of time this song has been blared in the car and our apartment recently:

 Stay classic and keep dancing my friends! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The DA Bachelorette: Episode 1

I am running on very little sleep at this point because I got up to take my old roomie Hayley to the airport at 5am after our little college besties reunion weekend. So as if the day wasn't strange enough I had a meeting after work, raced home to try to speed watch Dancing With The Stars and catch The Bachelor. So as Chloe and I sat down for our Monday night ritual I was maybe 10 minutes into this season and already over Andi.

Translation: Gonna be a long season for Chloe and me. 

As usual there was just way too much going on last night with too many people so these were the few random moments and thoughts that stuck out in my mind. You will either agree or they will make zero sense:

Andi and her sister look at dresses:
  • Flashback: It reminded me of wedding dress shopping with Kristina and getting in a fight because I demanded Kristina learned how to bustle my dress from the store associate and Kristina demanded she didn't need to be taught. Guess who won that battle? 
  • Spoiler Alert: The bride always wins, especially when she is the big sister.
Tasos: The Wedding Event Coordinator 
  • I am going to call this guy Tacos. 
  • He is a wedding event coordinator. He speaks multiple languages. 
  • I am quite confused by him overall. 
Personal Trainer Guy 
  • "Gaw-dang" as he wanders up the driveway about his walk because "the limo broke down"
  • Translation: Next. 
Urgent Care Physician Guy That Looks Like Surfer Guy 
  • Opens with: "You must have a fever because you look pretty hot." 
  • I just really wanted him to say: 

Brett from Westminster aka Lamp Guy 
  • I totally thought he was going to get out with a dog a la Westminster dog show. Something along the lines of this but more dog:
But because I can't in good faith put up a Westminster dog I must put up Chloe instead. She is just as fabulous. 

Craig the Accountant 
  • Gets out of the limo and pops an entire bottle of champagne. Then said he is excited to potentially fall in love with her.  
  • I am thinking he is more excited to join the fraternity known as all these guys living under one roof for the 10 days they are there searching for the love of their life
  • Did all these guys shop at J.Crew for outfits? How many plaid printed shirts and skinny ties can we see?
Cookie Monster aka Cookie Tasting Guy
  • I am really into this cookie tasting. That is how you find a soulmate people! 
  • It is also making me go crave and search my pantry for a cookie.

Chris from Bachelor Pad and Emily's season shows up:
  • WHAT????? 
  • Will they or won't they let him in??
  • This is seriously the worst acting on behalf of the Bachelor staff I have ever seen and yet the most exciting thing to have happened all night. 
  • And they make him leave. Boom.
First Impression Rose- Nick V. 
  • I keep wanting to call this guy Eddie V as in the restaurant. 
  • He's gonna be around awhile and he is super cute.
My rationale for continuing to watch even though I am not sure about Andi: 
  • Yes these guys have some of the worst outfits, worst haircuts and worst jobs I have ever seen.
  • But, Dancing With The Stars ends tomorrow night and we have a long summer of Mondays with nothing to watch except for Ladies of London (starts 6/2) which yes, I'll be watching too.
  • I am also willing to bet a few of these cast offs find their way to Bachelor in Paradise premiering 8/4. 
  • So as you can see duh. I am going to keep watching and you should too.
The End. 

P.S. Go Maks and Meryl. Tune in for DWTS Finale tomorrow night!!!! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


In case you are new to my blog (in which case welcome) or are living under a rock (in which case welcome back to reality) you would know that I turned 30 a couple weeks ago. 30. Yet I still got carded at HEB for buying a bottle of wine Mother's Day weekend. Sigh.

With my big monumental birthday came the great decision of whether or not to have a birthday party. Personally I was not that into the idea. Not because I don't like birthday parties but because I just moved here less than a year ago and it's not like I know a ton of people or even have favorite places I would want to go. All decent reasons and excuses except to one person…

My sister Kristina. 
Kristina loves other people's birthdays nearly more than her own. She is the ultimate celebrator. She lives to celebrate life events no matter if it's a wedding, a birthday party or even just a Wednesday. Because of this, it actually makes perfect sense that she started an Etsy shop where the motto is "because life's too short to not have party favors"

So what started as my simple "wine and cheese night" of an idea evolved into this:

Glow headbands, glow bracelets, glow sticks galore,
Analisa’s turning 30 – need we say more?

'Under the Volcano' is where it will be,
8:30 pm, please RSVP

Leave your dog, your Chloe, and Debbie Downer at home,
Help her turn 30, she can't do this alone! 

Laughing, dancing, and singing she might, 
So click on the 'yes, I'll help light up the night'! 

NOTE: When referring to this event on any major social media outlet, please use the he hashtag: #AnalisasBurning30

My sister is kind of a party planning genius. Kristina turned my descent into 30 into an over the top party with koozies, glow sticks and my signature cookie cake from Great American cookie company. Yes, there is a story behind that but it's another story for another time. 

Official #AnalisasBurning30 koozies with glowsticks 
30 candles. That will definitely make you feel old really quick. Sidenote- I have been known to pitch a fit over my cookie cakes. This one was definitely up to my standards. Again, another story for another time.

Light up Lei. With my fancy drink courtesy of my DC bestie and former roomie LC. There are not many people that would call the bar where your party is scheduled to pre-order a special drink and bottle of champagne for your 30th birthday. LC is one of them. I am kind of really luck to know her. 
Old Pi Phi friends turned new Houston friends. Getting together with them feels like we are back in college. Also a bonus that they all know Kristina too as the little Pi Phi who I introduced during rush week 2005 by saying "she sits at the cool table during lunch" as one of her positive qualities. Kristina also wreaked havoc on her head pledge trainer who is 4th from the left yet still somehow loves her today.  
My Bachelor watching Monday night wine and cheese pal S was in town and celebrated with me too! Sidenote- my head looks like it's on fire.
Of course no party planned by Kristina is complete without Husband-Wife duo shots. Pictures captured by one of Kristina's friends as she watched this insanity. 
We are kind of a mess.
And captured in real life is my official bossing Gregg around face in photos 5 & 6. 
Since he never reads my blog I am putting this photo on here of him.  Love you husband!
Thanks for turning 30 first. 
Such a good sport to put up with his sister-in-laws antics in honor of his wife. And to not kill her for the photo collage she compiled of him partaking in the fun!

For some reason I have zero pictures of all Kristina's wonderful friends who not only came out to celebrate with me but even helped Kristina with some party planning assistance. They are the best! 

I turned 30 and I survived. It was a wonderful evening full of friends both new and old and I felt so loved! Thank you to everyone who came by for sharing this evening with me. On a big birthday where I didn't think it would be very eventful, my sister pulled through and made it oh so special. 

Cheers to sisters!  Love you Kristina!
(Also thinking this may need to be one of our Christmas card pics this year…I mean how many times can you really see us posed in front of the Christmas tree?)
Time for my shameless sister plug: There is truly no one who loves celebrating the big moments in other people's lives more than Kristina. It is so fitting she created an etsy shop to share that joy and help others to celebrate their big moments too. If you need something crafty no matter how big or how small, check our KraftinK

Thank you Kristina for a wonderful 30th birthday party! You are the best and you are my best!