Monday, June 30, 2014

From Enya to Pitbull- My Mother's Day Weekend

After my nice Saturday spent  hosting a baby shower for my expectant friend C2, Kristina and I headed home to San Antonio to celebrate Mother's Day. Allow me to explain the polar opposite worlds- this is like switching the radio station from Enya to Pitbull. It's amazing how many ridiculous moments can occur in pretty much less than 24 hours.

What kind of ridiculous moments might you ask? 

Moment 1 a few hours after we got home: Dad convinces Kristina to help him change the air filter. Allow me to explain the process that is Dad and Kristina changing an air filter together:
Step 1: Kristina attempts to get the air filter cover back on thinking she knows everything.  <Insert Dad and Kristina having heated exchanges at 10,000 feet on how the filter cover attaches>
Step 2: Dad starts yelling more and Kristina has to respond. Please note that yes she is that high off the ground.  But she is legit going to break the filter and Dad is having none of it. We may be 30 and 27 but we are still afraid of our Dad. 

Step 3: Dad wins. Dad climbs up. Dad puts filter back on. Kristina pouts. 

Step 4: Still screaming at each other and now the ladder has to somehow get out of the house and to the garage. 

Step 5: Trying to work together as a team. Kristina is doing her 'pout walk'
Moment 2 Sunday morning: I head to the grocery story Mother's Day morning to buy food to feed us for Mother's Day.  I know, it sounds so special. I am now vaguely remembering Dad had a work trip and had to leave early Sunday morning. I walked into HEB and had the genius idea of getting mom a balloon. What I did not fully think through was how I was going to have to walk throughout the entire store dealing with this balloon that was sitting in the cart constantly smacking me in the face:

Moment 3 Sunday afternoon: I am already late getting out of town and walking in to say good-bye to Mom and Kristina after loading my car. I walk into my parents bathroom to discover a panicked Kristina and pink nail polish spilled all over the ground. I momentarily flashed back to a 4 year old Kristina and Big Red spilled on the living room floor.  So yes I was behind schedule, yes I needed to get out the door but I could not violate the Golden Rule of sisterhood: Leave no sister behind.

So I got down on my hands and knees and I started scrubbing. And together we cleaned it up before Mom knew anything different.

It is for these and a number of other reasons that I am scared for any and all family get-togethers. This was only Mother's Day, what should arguably be the most zen holiday of the year. You seriously do not know what awaits you during a visit to "The land where time stands still." 

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