Monday, March 17, 2014

An Evening at the Museum

For the past few years, I have been bopping around every major city in Texas. Moving brings with it an entire slew of stresses but it also brings with it an entire slew of new discoveries. One thing I have always neglected in new cities has been things like museums and sight seeing. Since I live in these places, I take for granted that they are always there- but then one day you move and they are no longer there. Sometimes you need to take the time to explore in your own town, and when you do, it is always helpful to have a buddy to do it with you because it in fact makes you do it!

Enter Kristina's friend S who also lives here….although I must say that this phrase "Kristina's friend" needs to probably go away because all of these people are now my friends too :)

S and I decided we were going to start adventuring into the world of museums in Houston. We have planned random dates the next few months and even have a few specific museum events on the calendar. We started Thursday night at the Museum of Fine Arts at their Happy Hour Thursdays. I didn't know this but you can sit outside the museum on Thursday evenings, enjoy drinks, music and wander around the museum for free.

Cute mini-plastic wine glasses. 
After we enjoyed Thursday Happy Hour, we headed into the museum and I was on a mission. I had read about a photography exhibit Iconic 20th Century Photographs online and we could not seem to track it down. At one point we thought we found it but I told S, there was a picture of Marilyn Monroe and what we found was the polar opposite of Marilyn. In the meantime we wandered around to other exhibits.

In this one you have to find the real life objects hidden amidst the picture. S and I did pretty good. But there was a recurring theme of finding glass and fruit. I realize now I should've maybe written down who the painters were for all of these.

I don't remember what was being spotted in this one. 

Can you spot the fruit?

Can you spot the violin?
Then we came across a painter raised in Italy by the boats so he painted what he knew. I wish if I painted what I knew it would come out looking like this:

Italy, sigh.
After wandering around the museum, we finally came across the photography exhibit. It was full of famous, historic and iconic pictures in history. Some of them you could take pictures of and some you could not. But you could take a picture of this one, and since it is the one S and I were on a mission to find, I had to do it:

Did you know Marilyn was above a Subway vent system when she took this picture? 
Afterwards, we saw some more paintings from the American history exhibit and then decided we were going to hit up Hotel ZaZa for some bubbly and snacks.

This is how we do culture post-museum.
Cheers to more nights of culture and conversation! 

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