Wednesday, June 10, 2015

When The Universe Speaks, I Listen...

...eventually. This time it has been a nagging feeling inside of me for about a month telling me to go blog. I kept ignoring it. But here it is, June 8, 2015 and I am listening and I already feel better about the feeling going away. Funny how that works.

There is lots going on in our life. Apparently we go big or go home when it comes to life changes. These are exciting changes. Still changes. But they are exciting.

1. Baby Warren is on the way and due October 11. We don't know if we are having a boy or girl which is exciting, strange, makes me think in circles, goes back to being exciting, goes back to being's interesting to think there is a baby inside of me and I have no idea what it is...none. And honestly, I am scared to have a boy and scared to have a girl, so either way it's still scary.

The baby, that is inside me right now, that is either a boy or have a 50/50 chance of being correct.

This is not a great picture (at all...) but this is a real blog so I have to show you the not so great moments too. I made Gregg take it last Sunday morning. Let me set the stage for you...I slept too late, was frantically throwing on clothes and make up as he was getting ready to go to work and I was running out the door quickly trying not to miss church...then I decided oh, you are here to take a picture during daylight, I should maybe document today. So there you have it, just a glimpse into what I refer to as "real life marriage." The caption reads "Week 22: Sorry your Mom is still not more creative!" I am also going to start apologizing to my child now that its Mom is so uncreative. Sorry child. Hopefully I will rock it in other areas of your life. 
2. We are buying a house. Or attempting to buy a house. Pretty sure we are buying it but my gosh, who knew buying a house was such an emotional roller coaster and full of punches to the gut out of nowhere. Hopefully next month at this time I am blogging from our new house.

3.  Kristina is getting married this summer. I helped plan the engagement last summer. I then spent the next 10 months helping to plan the wedding. I can't believe we are nearly to the finish line of this and am really excited about my future brother-in-law. He's perfect for her and perfect for our family. As a big sister who was overly protective of my sister in the dating world and overly protective of my family's dynamic, this is a blessing in so many ways.

The future Mr and Mrs Cobb
April and May got a little crazy because of d) all of the above.  It's going to be a fun summer, an exciting Fall and a special end to 2015. I missed blogging, got too busy and honestly couldn't find a creative ounce inside of me to write about my life. But like all things in life, when something nags at you enough and you keep ignoring it and pushing it aside and pushing it aside, you eventually realize that nagging feeling isn't happening just is happening because the universe is trying to send you a message. In my case it was, get back to writing witty commentary about your life...regardless of if anyone is reading it, you miss it. XOXO

Has the universe sent you any messages via nagging your subconscius lately?