Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Just Dance

I love dancing. Like really love dancing. I love to dance and I love to watch dance performances so it is no surprise that I love a good dance movie. I do mean love. The highlight of my December trip to NYC with Gregg was getting to visit Lincoln Center where none other than Center Stage was filmed. Sorry to be cheesy but it was seriously like a lifelong dream come true for me.

Standing on the infamous Plaza where Charlie and Jodie Sawyer share their ending kiss. 
Gregg in the entry floor where Maureen infamously quit the ballet to her mother. 
Overlooking the inside area. 
The stage where it all happened. 

Time for the Nutcracker. Gregg's favorite event of the year....
Then I stumbled across this amazing article: The 30 Best Dance Movies of All Time and started flipping through. The best part is that not only are movies listed but they also show the trailers...watching some of these old favorites in their trailer form makes me want to curl up with a big blanket of nostalgia. It's also amazing to see older versions of movie trailers.

Have you ever seen the trailer for Dirty Dancing?

Sure I have seen Grease 1 million trillion times but I've never seen the trailer for it. So nostalgic.

Confession: I have never seen Saturday Night Fever even though I am obsessed with every single song in this trailer not to mention disco itself. I should probably force my husband to watch this with me ASAP.

I can't watch this trailer for A Chorus Line without thinking of Songfest in college. I am pretty sure Hayley will agree. Seen it- danced it- can't watch it anymore.

Can you believe this is Carrie Bradshaw the younger years in Girls Just Want to Have Fun. I think I've seen pieces of this one but probably need to add it to my list.

And then of course who can forget my all time favorite mentioned above. Makes me want to go watch the movie asap.

Do you have any favorites on the list? Have you ever seen Saturday Night Fever? What do you think of these old school trailers? 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Addicted to Say Yes to the Dress

Can someone tell me what it is about Say Yes To The Dress that is so freaking addicting? I don't know but here I am Sunday morning putting it on while I eat my breakfast and next thing I know I've watched three episodes. Then I start cleaning the apartment but keep getting distracted needing to know if the girl found a dress. I don't even know. But regardless this is me:

Not really, I am not wandering around my apartment in a wedding dress but I am dying to know what it is that makes it so addictive. Having just gone through this with my own sister the Bride to Be, I have a couple observations:

  • In some cases I am so in shock by how opinionated the family members are to the point of being borderline rude. 
  • In some cases I am in shock by how much brides want to be wearing practically lingerie as a wedding dress. It's a wedding dress. 
  • Once you meet the brides and their families, you're committed, you're in it and you've gotta see this through.
  • I always wonder if they won't be able to make them happy in the end. But alas, Randy always knows. He always knows. But how does he know?
  • Do you think they have to take a test to learn all the dresses? Where is the giant warehouse they trudge through to get the dresses?
  • In the end, I secretly get excited knowing they have found their wedding dress and watching the connection between trying on the dress and deciding it is the one. 
  • I am sucker for a happy ending. 
Who knows what it is, but I may or may not need a support group. I am addicted.